Monday, February 18, 2013

Now Former Bill Collector, Charles Underwood, Is Blowing a Loud Whistle on the Debt Collection Industry



Summary: Charles Underwood wrote a book that shares his experience as a former bill collector to help people in need know how to handle these stressful calls better.


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Detroit, MI - In his recently published book, "A Guide to Stop Bill Collectors From Driving You Crazy", author Charles Underwood exposes the debt acquisition and recovery industry to help consumers know their rights when dealing with bill collectors.


Every day, all over the country, millions of people with unpaid bills are bombarded with calls from bill collectors.  Most avoid answering the phone, they tell their loved ones to say they're not home, or they let the calls go to voice mail.


According to Underwood, a former manager at a debt collection agency with more than 30 year of industry experience, this is not the best way to resolve the situation.


"Most people with unpaid accounts wind up getting sued, having judgments placed against them, having their paychecks and checking accounts garnished and at the end, pay thousands of more dollars, because they trust these bill collectors to negotiate the best deals for them,' stresses Underwood. "The results are their financial lives are messed up for seven to 10 years, or even longer."


Whether referred to as debt collection agencies, servicing companies, law offices or debt buyers, Mr. Underwood says most bill collectors are trained to use fear, guilt and shame as psychological tactics to get consumers to pay their bills.


"And one of the biggest advantages collection firms have is they know that 98 percent of consumers don't have a clue how the collection process works," notes Underwood. "That's why people are usually at the mercy of bill collectors."


Now Underwood is blowing a loud whistle on the debt collection industry.


In A Guide to Stop Bill Collectors From Driving You Crazy, Underwood shares proven strategies on:


·                     How to avoid common mistakes that people make on a collection call

·                     How debtors can take control of all conversations with bill collectors

·                     What type of information should or should not be given to a bill collector


Also included are chapters on avoiding debt,valuable advice on things people can do to immediately start to repair their credit, and how to avoid paying the customary $300 to $1,500 for credit repair.


"A Guide to Stop Bill Collectors From Driving You Crazy" is available at Mr. Underwood can be reached at 313-744-5977 or


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